Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Music Piracy: Moochers Are Also Big Spenders Within The Record Industry, Study Finds


Record companies always blame a decline on sales of music to the ‘music-stealing pirates.’ A study made by The American Assembly, affiliated with the Columbia University, explains that the music pirates are also the best consumer of the music industry.  The study shows that music aficionados living in the US and Germany provide a unique insight into the sharing habits of people. Some of the facts consist of 18 to 29 year-olds share more music than any other age group. It also explains that copying music from friends or family is the same as downloading music for free.  Besides all of these facts, The Recording Industry Association of America states that illegally downloading one song is devastating to the industry which leads to a $12.5 billion dollar loss in the music industry. They also say that in 1991the No.1 albums sold more, therefore the No. 1 album of 2012 have shrunk significantly. I believe this article takes a great stance in both arguments. It explains both topics with good facts, leaving the reader to make their own assumptions to music piracy. I believe that $12.5 billion dollars is a huge number, and that the study that backs up the article main point is not sufficient information to make a good point.  Another point I don’t agree with is that having music from friends or family is like downloading it for free. Both arguments can defend themselves, making this article great. I just believe that music piracy definitely affects the music industry.


  1. I really like the topic you chose for this. It was short, sweet and to the point which does not bore the reader. I would have liked to see one sentence that told us what the stasis of their argument was. Good job!

  2. I agree with emily with the fact that it was a little bit hard to identify the stasis of the argument. This is a huge issue in music today and defiantly is effecting the music industry. Overall, I enjoyed the topic , but found it difficult to identify the stasis.
